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 英語動画による技術解説(from YouTube)CONCEPT

"The science of today is the technology of tomorrow."  by Edward Teller


1.Introductory Contents in "Strength of Meterials"(材料力学入門)

1-1 Definition of Poisson's Ratio(ポアソン比の定義)

Strain energy explained with bow and arrow(ひずみエネルギの説明)

What is Beam?(はりとは何か?)

1-4 Casting Processes(鋳物工程・・・実際のビデオとは多少異なる内容)

1-5 3D Stress Tensor Rotation(3次元応力テンソルの回転)

1-6 Different Types of Loading(荷重の種類)

1-7 What is Elastic Curve?(弾性曲線とは?)

1-8 Torsion In Circular Shafts(丸棒のねじり)

2.Mechanics of Materials(材料力学、弾性力学の内容も1部含みます。)

2-1 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 01: Introduction and Course Overview


3-1 Mechanisms(機構)

.Fourier Series, Fourier Transform and FFT(フーリエ級数、フーリエ変換、高速フーリエ変換器)

Fourier Transform, Fourier Series, and frequency spectrum

4-2 Discrete Fourier Transform - Simple Step by Step

4-3 How the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) works - an overview

4-4 FFT properties demonstration



5-2 Electromagnetic Induction : Faraday's Laws and Lenz Law

5-3 Electromagnetism - Maxwell's Laws

5-4 Understanding STAR-DELTA Starter !


6-1 Transistors, How do they work ?

6-2 Electric Circuits

.Engineering chemistry(工業化学)

7-1 Different Types of Surface Films

7-2 Corrosion and Its Types

.Experimental Modal Analysys(実験モード解析)

8-1 Non-Mathematical Overview of Experimental Modal Analysis

8-2 Modal Testing - Tutorial

8-3 Operating Modal Analysis

8-4 Hammer Modal Test of Hard Drive Using B&K Pulse-Part 1

8-5 Introduction to Experimental Modal Parameter Identification and AMI

.Finite Element Method(有限要素法による応力解析、疲労解析)

What is Finite Element Method/Analysis ?

9-2 Introduction to Basics FEA

9-3 Overview of Finite Element Method (FEM)

SolidWorks Simulation (FEA)

9-5 How to Determine Weld Sizing and Analyze Strength with SOLIDWORKS Simulation

Webcast Wednesday - SolidWorks Simulation - Mixed Mesh Techniques

9-7 Solidworks modelling + static simulation + fatigue simulation tutorial

Failure Fatigue Analysis in SOLIDWORKS Simulation

9-9 SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Fatigue, Vibration, and Thermal (WEBINAR)

10.Eigenvalue Analysis(固有値解析)

What is an Eigenvector?

10-2 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Computations Example

10-3 MATLAB Help - Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Inverses

10-4 [Midas e-Learning] Midas Gen, Civil - Eigenvalue Analysis

10-5 Vibration and Normal Modes Analysis for Engineers - Femap and NX Nastran Technical Seminar

10-6 Principles of Vibration Analysis with Femap and NX Nastran: Normal Modes to PSD to Direct Transient

11.Complex Eigenvalue Analysis(複素固有値解析)

11-1 Complex Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

11-2 Complex Eigenvalues

11-3 Complex Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

11-4 Brake squeal analysis with Abaqus complex eigenvalue approach

12.Computational Fluid Dynamics(数値流体力学)

12-1 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

12-2 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation Overview - Autodesk Simulation

12-3 Formula Student / Formula SAE Workshop - Session 1: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by SimScale

12-4 Formula Student / Formula SAE Workshop - Session 2 by SimScale

12-5 Formula Student / Formula SAE Workshop - Session 3 by SimScale

12-6 Formula Student / Formula SAE Workshop - Session 4 by SimScale

12-7 MMCC II #13 - Computational Fluid Dynamics, the Navier-Stokes Equations

12-8 Webinar | Optimizing Formula SAE Design with SimScale

12-9 Formula One 2017 Aerodynamics - Webinar

12-10 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) | RANS & FVM

13Boundary Element Method(境界要素法)

13-1 Direct Boundary Element Method. Lecture 5.

13-2 7:3 Boundary Element Methods (Indirect, Potential flow)

13-3 Boundary integral equations - Alex Barnett

13-4 Boundary Element vs. Finite Element Method Analysis

13-5 INTEGRATED PODCAST: Boundary Element Method and Finite Element Method meshing

14Finite Volume Method(有限体積法)

14-1 8.2.2-PDEs: Finite Volume Method (Control Volume Approach)

14-2 7.3 The FiniteVolume Method

14-3 Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion Top # 10 Facts

15.Transfer Pass analysis(伝達経路解析)

15-1 The Source Transfer Receiver approach, developed by Siemens PLM Software

15-2 PAK software - at a glance

16.Sound Intensity(音響インテンシティ)

16-1 Sound Intensity

16-2 Physics - Mechanics: Sound and Sound Waves (7 of 47) Sound Intensity

16-3 Sound power determination with Type 2270 using sound intensity – Brüel & Kjær

16-4 Sound Power and Noise Source Identification – Brüel & Kjær

16-5 Sound Level Meter Type 2270 – Sound intensity mapping – Brüel & Kjær


17-1 Matlab 2016 Matlab Programming Tutorial for Beginners: Quick Start

17-2 Introduction to Programming with MATLAB

17-3 The Complete MATLAB Course: Beginner to Advanced!

17-4 Matlab

18.Actual Vibration Measurement & Analysis(実際の振動測定と分析)

18-1 An Animated Introduction to Vibration Analysis - Mobius

18-2 Bearing failure, detection and prevention

18-3 Utilizing Vibration Analysis to Detect Gearbox Faults

18-4 Time waveform analysis: a new insight into your machine’s health

18-5 Orbit Plots and Centerline Diagrams - Webinar

18-6 Vibration analysis orbits orbit plots journal bearing vibration.mp4

18-7 Detecting bearing tones with vibration analysis

18-8 International Machine Vibration Analysis Conference - IMVAC

18-9 SOLIDWORKS Quick Tip - Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes, and Vibration Tutorial

18-10 Webinar 4 Random Vibration

18-11 Webinar 3 - Sine Sweep Vibration

18-12 Shock and Vibration Testing Overview: Webinar

19.Rotating Machine Analysis(回転機械の分析)

19-1 PRSG027: How To Analyze Noise & Vibration From Rotating Machinery (Complete)

19-2 Prosig-030: Extracting order traces & creating waterfall plots

19-3 PRSG022: Calculating Sound Quality Metrics over speed ranges

19-4 PRSG021: Calculating Sound Quality Metrics

20.Impact Testing for Vibration and Modal Analysys(振動とモーダル解析のためのインパクト・テスト)

20-1 Impact Testing for Modal Analysis

20-2 Prosig-035: Hammer Impact Testing

20-3 Modal Analysis: HP Spectrum Analyzer and Impulse Hammer

20-4 Introduction to Experimental Modal Parameter Identification and AMI

20-5 Hammer Modal Test of Hard Drive Using B&K Pulse-Part 1

20-6 Vibrant Learning Lab - 2/19/2014 - Curve Fitting using ME'scope

20-7 Vibrant Learning Lab - 11/19/2014 - Setting up ODS and Mode Shape Animation in ME'scope

20-8 Vibrant Learning Lab - 1/29/2015 - Real-time ODS using ME'scope and MechaniCom

20-9 Techniques for Improving Your Models and Animation in ME'scope

21.SolidWorks Simulation

21-1 SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Frequency Analysis

21-2 Vibration Analysis of a Quadcopter

21-3 SolidWorks Simulation Failure Mode Analysis: Vibration

21-4 How to Determine Weld Sizing and Analyze Strength with SOLIDWORKS Simulation

21-5 SolidWorks Simulation Professional Fatigue

22.Flow Simulation

22-1 SolidWorks Flow Simulation with Fan and Heat Sink

22-2 Analyzing Flow in Products

22-3 Solidworks fluid simulation of a ducted fan, with rotating region

22-4 SolidWorks Flow Simulation - Transient Manifold Airflow

22-5 Why SolidWorks Flow Simulation - Aerodynamic design - Cycle Drafting Simulation

22-6 Aerodynamics Car Test By Use SolidWorks Simulation

22-7 Tractor Trailer Aerodynamics in SolidWorks Flow Simulation

22-8 Aerodynamics, Wind Resistance & Streamlined Cars of the Future - Chevrolet in 1930s

22-9 Car Aerodynamics in a Wind Tunnel

22-10 2016 Mercedes Benz Concept IAA | WIND TUNNEL

22-11 Formula 1 Aerodynamics with Martin Brundle

22-12 CarStuff: Dream Cars | Wind Tunnel Testing

22-13 Ferrari 458 Speciale - Focus on aerodynamics

22-14 Zenith CH 750 Cruzer - SolidWorks 3D solid model - light sport aircraft

22-15 Building the Zenith CH 750 kit airplane: Rear Fuselage Assembly

22-16 Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation

23.Ocupational noise and vibration

23-1 Webinar Occupational Noise, Hand Arm Vibration HAV and Whole Body Vibration WBV

23-2 Assessing Occupational Vibration (SHS)

23-3 OSHA's Occupational Noise Exposure & Hearing Protection Standard - Get the full course here.

23-4 Hearing Conservation Program Employee Training.IHC

24.Shaft Alignment

24-1 Dial Indicator Concepts: TIR, Validity Rule & TPS

24-2 Shaft Alignment Training: Pre-Alignment Steps

24-3 Shaft Alignment Concepts: Runout

24-4 Crash Course: Soft Foot Checks and Corrections

24-5 Shaft Alignment Training: Faster Alignment With Dials

24-6 SKF Shaft Alignment System TKSA 80

24-7 Dial gauge Pump-Motor Alignment Process


25-1 Understanding PLANETARY GEAR system !

25-2 Gears [ basics & types ]

25-3 Automatic Transmission, How it works ?

25-4 How an Automatic Transmission Works (Allison 1000)

25-5 How automatic transmission works

25-6 HOW IT WORKS: Car Transmission - Full Documentary (720p HD)

[参考」 滑り摩擦をなくしたオイルフリーなベアリングを開発


26-1 Rolling Contact Bearing


27-1 Clutches and Manual Transmissions


28-1 How does a Centrifugal pump work ?

28-2 Cavitation Demo.mp4

28-3 Cavitation - Easily explained!

28-4 Rotary Pumps

28-5 Hydraulic Pumps [ basics & types ]

29.Mechanical Measurement

29-1 Automotive Measurement




振動・騒音の計測・分析・低減対策など全般 | FEMやBEMなどによるコンピュータシミュレーション| 振動モード解析・実稼働解析などの実験解析技術全般 | FFTアナライザの正しい使いこなし技術と理論 | ディジタル信号処理技術 | 材料力学 | 弾性学 | 塑性学 | 板金加工技術 | メカトロニクス技術全般 | 機械の開発・設計全般| 電気・電子 | 古典制御技術|現代制御技術|熱・伝熱|流体|FMC・FMS等の自動生産システム全般 | 3次元CAD・CAM | ソフト開発 | 工業数学| 工業英語 | Excelワークシート&VBA | LabVIEW:仮想計測器 | 協力会社からメーカーへ転換 | Matlab・Scilab・Mathematicaなどの数式計算処理ソフト | 研究開発~商品化のしかた | 海外進出支援 | 海外業務支援 | 海外での英語による技術コンサルティング・技術指導 | 通訳 | 翻訳 | .etc.    




